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Relationship Counselling

Available face to face or online

50 min
60 British pounds

Service Description

Relationship counselling is between two people. This is most often a sexual partnership, however can be a parent and child. I have worked with heterosexual and LGBTQIA+ couples. Relationship difficulties can often occur around times of transitions, for example, the birth of a child or children leaving home. During these periods, relationships are re-negotiated and new 'norms' formed. This can lead to feelings of discomfort, frustration, loss, separateness and confusion as previous 'roles' change As a couple, I believe your individuality and your partnership are equally important. We all have different 'norms', experiences, perceptions and templates for relationships and I have often found that unspoken mismatches in expectations can lead to dissatisfaction in relationships. As a couples counsellor, my roles is to explore the difficulties you are facing, your expectation and templates for relationships, bringing awareness and understanding to you both. Once this is established and understood, often the root of the difficulties you are facing become apparent. We can then work on how, together, you move forwards Common reasons couples attend therapy Communication difficulties Infidelity Arguments Intimacy Loss of direction Common transitions that can highlight difficulties Birth of a child Children starting school Children leaving home Retirement Redundancy

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